HAIR CARE Benefits Of Using A Deep Conditioning Treatment For Your Hair

by Better Natured

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We've all heard of conditioner - the creamy, softening second step to shampooing our hair. But what about deep conditioner? In this article, we'll explain it in detail, as well as how you can benefit from the treatment.

Defining Deep Conditioner

At face value, deep conditioners serve the same function as traditional ones: to moisturize and soften hair. But while a regular conditioner may only be applied for a minute or less, deep conditioners are meant to be left in for 2-3 minutes or more. This allows the nutrients and moisture to penetrate deeper into the hair shaft, resulting in a more impactful effect on hair.

Deep conditioner can come in a number of forms, including cream, gel, balm, and masque. And like regular conditioners, they are available in a variety of formulas to address different hair needs, such as damage, frizz, and dryness.

How Is Deep Conditioner Different From Regular Conditioner?

The amount of time product is left in the hair isn't the only difference between traditional and deep conditioning treatments. There are a number of other things that set them apart, which we've listed below.

  • Consistency: Deep conditioners often have a thicker consistency than regular conditioners. This allows them to coat the hair and provide a longer-lasting effect.
  • Composition: Deep conditioners typically contain more oil than regular conditioners, which helps to add moisture to the hair. Humectants are another popular addition, also used to attract and retain moisture.
  • Concentration: Deep conditioning treatments tend to have higher concentrations of protein, which are used to help repair damage and strengthen the hair shaft.
  • pH level: Most deep conditioners have a lower pH level than regular conditioners. This helps to close the cuticle, sealing in moisture and nutrients.

Types Of Deep Conditioner

There are two main types of deep conditioners: protein-based and moisture-based. Here is a quick explanation of each and what they're used for.


Protein-based deep conditioners help to repair damage and add strength to the hair shaft. They typically contain ingredients such as keratin, collagen, or silk amino acids. If your hair is particularly damaged or dry, this is the type of deep conditioner you'll want to use.


Moisture-based deep conditioners are designed to add moisture and hydration to the hair. They often contain ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, or glycerin. If your hair is on the drier side, this is the type of deep conditioner you'll want to use.

How To Apply Deep Conditioner

Now that we've gone over what deep conditioners are and what they're used for, it's time to learn how to use them. While the process will differ slightly based on the specific product you're using, it will generally follow these simple steps.

1. Prepare Your Hair

Deep conditioners are typically used in the same way as regular conditioners; after shampooing, the product is applied to wet hair and left in for a period of time before being rinsed out. Start out with clean, wet hair that's been shampooed. If your hair is particularly dirty or oily, you may want to shampoo twice.

2. Apply The Treatment

Apply the deep conditioner to your hair, starting at the roots and working your way down to the tips. Be sure to coat each strand evenly.

3. Cover Your Hair

Once the conditioner has been applied, cover your hair with a shower cap or plastic wrap. This will help to trap in heat and allow the conditioner to penetrate deeper into the hair shaft.

4. Leave The Product In

Leave the conditioner in for at least 2 minutes, though you can leave it in for longer if you'd like. If your hair is very dry or damaged, you may want to leave it in for longer.

5. Rinse Your Hair Out

Once the conditioning treatment is finished, rinse your hair out thoroughly with warm water.

An important thing to note - always be sure to rinse your hair out after treating it with a deep conditioner.

The Benefits Of Deep Conditioning Your Hair

There are tons of advantages to be reaped from deep conditioning your hair on a regular basis. Here are some of the most notable.

Hydrate And Soften Damaged Hair

Exposure to heat from devices like hair straighteners and chemicals from treatments like dyes can easily cause damage to your hair's structure and overall health. This happens on a microscopic level, with the heat disrupting the proteins that make up your hair shaft and the chemicals causing changes to your hair's cuticle. Over time, this damage can lead to dry, brittle, and unhealthy-looking hair.

Deep conditioning treatment can help to hydrate and soften damaged hair by replenishing lost moisture and nutrients. It works as a sort of reset button, giving your hair the hydration and nourishment it needs to look and feel healthy again.

Prevent Hair Breakage

One of the most common issues people face with their hair is breakage. This can be caused by a number of things, such as heat damage, over-processing, or even just brushing your hair too roughly. Whatever the cause, breakage is always a pain to deal with - and it can be especially difficult to fix once it's started.

Deep conditioning your hair on a regular basis can help to prevent breakage by fortifying the hair shaft and making it more resistant to damage. This, in turn, can lead to longer, healthier-looking hair.

Improved Hair Elasticity

Hair elasticity is defined as how long a single strand of hair is able to stretch before returning to its original state. It's a sign of healthy, strong hair, and essential to maintaining a full, easy-to-style and voluminous head of locks.

There are a number of things that can lead to decreased hair elasticity, such as damage from heat or chemicals, over-processing, and dehydration.

When elasticity is low, hair is more susceptible to breakage and split ends.

Deep conditioners are an asset when it comes to supporting hair elasticity in more ways than one. For starters, they add moisture to the hair, which is important for maintaining strand resilience to tension. They're also often rich in protein, which helps to repair and strengthen the hair shaft.

Reduced Frizz And Flyaways

If you're plagued by frizzy, flyaway hair, you know how frustrating it can be to keep your locks looking smooth and sleek. Not to mention, it can be difficult to style frizzy hair into the styles you want.

Deep conditioners can help to reduce frizz and flyaways by smoothing down the hair cuticle. This gives your hair a sleek, polished look and makes it easier to style. In addition, deep conditioners add moisture to the hair, which can help to tame frizz caused by dehydration.

Added Shine And Reduced Dandruff

If your hair looks dull and lifeless, it might be time for a deep conditioning treatment. Deep conditioners can add shine to your hair by smoothing down the cuticle and making it reflect light better. In addition, they can help to reduce dandruff by keeping the scalp hydrated and healthy.

Faster Hair Growth

While deep conditioners won't actually make your hair grow faster, they can help to improve the appearance of hair growth. This is because healthy, well-moisturized hair is less likely to break, which means you'll be able to retain more length. In addition, regular deep conditioning can help to make your hair look thicker and fuller, giving the illusion of faster growth.

Deep Conditioners: Our Recommendation

While there's no doubt that deep conditioning treatments are a highly powerful tool in bolstering your hair's health and beauty, they're certainly not all made equal. Different products offer different levels of quality and performance, so it's important to consider the nature of the treatment you're buying prior to putting it in your hair.

You can't go wrong with the Better Natured® Color Care Deep Conditioning Balm. Packed with all of the power you need to reinvigorate your hair to its full glory, it's an excellent option for those looking to give their locks a little extra love.

This deep conditioning balm is specifically designed to add shine and hydration to color-treated hair. It's made with natural ingredients like Coconut, Tahitian Palm and White Orchid, which work together to deeply nourish and condition the hair. In addition, it's free from harsh chemicals and sulfates, so you can feel good about using it on your hair.

If you're new to deep conditioning, don't worry - it's easy to get the hang of it. Simply find a quality product that suits your hair type and needs, and follow the instructions on the packaging. You'll be on your way to healthier, more beautiful hair in no time!

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    Color Care Deep Conditioning Balm


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